Many times when I look at the gardens here at the Merriam Vincent Guest House I think about my Great Aunt Mary's garden. She loved to garden and although I never met her I have seen many photos of her garden and I later lived on the property as a young girl. I don't think as a young girl I appreciated the array of flowers as much as I would have today.
Her garden was so extensive that when I told others about the flowers she had, they were a little skeptical. Many of her flowers made me think of the victorian era; bleeding hearts, lily's of the valley, bluebells, morning glories; it was just breathtaking. Unfortunately all the photos I have of her and her gardens are in black and white, but you can imagine the colors-red, pinks, yellow, pure whites, purples, shades of blue....
Here at the Guest House the flowers are just as glorious as Great Aunt Mary's with an abounding variety. Everyday is a new garden delight; lilacs in the spring, bleeding hearts in early summer and hydrangeas in different colors a long with exotics coloring the summer garden. The garden has a bit of formality, but a cozy cottage feel in the "Secret Garden" out back.
So come sit out on the veranda surrounded by flowers while you have your breakfast. It's a great way to start your day.